Clive Diaz - Cardiff Research Story

Clive Diaz is a researcher at Cardiff University who is currently carrying out research on Camden’s Parental Advocacy project. He is former social worker, and he took interest in Camden’s initiative after discovering it through Twitter and reaching out to the project’s coordinator Tim Fisher. It is one of the pilot parental advocacy schemes in the UK, working alongside people in communities during Child Protection processes. The team in Cardiff, a mix of academics and parents, are assessing how parental advocacy works and whether it makes a genuine difference to parents and families. Often families can feel isolated from decision making, struggling with social work jargon. Advocates offered through Camden, including Family Group coordinators and Parent Peer Advocates, can demystify the process for parents and help them understand children's services better. Parent Peer Advocates are individuals who have experienced the Child Protection system returning to help others going through this difficult process. The research is considering whether the advocacy done in Camden is working and how it is helping families. They are interviewing and carrying out focus groups with parents, FGC coordinators, Parent Peer Advocates, social workers and senior management. Clive and the team are examining the different categories of advocates. There is some consideration of the risk of re-traumatising parents who have already been through the Child Protection system so it is important that peer parental advocates have worked through their issues and are well supported and supervised. The study, which started in September 2021, is a year long and is due to finish in August 2022. Advocacy within Child Protection is relatively new to the UK, but it has the real potential to ease the tension during Child Protection meetings.  Clive spoke about how the relationship between parents and Child Protection is often adversarial. Advocacy can aid understanding and reassure parents that social services want to keep families together whenever possible On World Social Work Day, Wednesday the 16th of March, Clive came to Camden to speak to social workers about Peer Parental Advocacy. He sat down to lunch with local parents with a range of experience, both receiving and delivering advocacy support. One parent said they ‘couldn’t wait for the next meeting, amazing how far kindness and listening goes.’ Although the results are not yet conclusive, Clive feels these programmes are starting to make a meaningful difference for parents and families.