Clarissa’s story

Clarissa grew up in Brighton and, after having a child at 15, her family was targeted by racial attacks. She is white and had given birth to a mixed-race child. Although her parents were supportive, she experienced racial abuse towards her child from friends of the family as well as her own grandfather. She had moved out from her home by 16 and felt neglected by Brighton council, who she said only performed the bare minimum of social care. In the years between then and now, Clarissa went through an abusive relationship that resulted in her children being removed from her care by Camden council. She spoke about how the system was not built to serve women or ethnic minorities and has since been reforming the system through advocacy to ensure that other parents do not experience her tragedy. ‘Camden Conversations’ was and exploration of parents’ experiences of social work and child protection through collaboration between parents and professionals. It has been an undercurrent of the last few years of Clarissa’s life. The project originated from the Family Advisory Board founded in 2014. The inquiry was looking into experiences with Child Protection and to fill in some of the silences between the authorities and the parents. The participatory research project consulted people from across different points of the child protection system in a series of group conversations as well as individual interviews. After much collaboration, the final report was drawn up which put forward a variety of different recommendations on how to improve child protective services. From simply changing the venue to more complex initiatives such as ‘Independent Peer Advocacy’, the recommendations aim to improve the system for the people most vulnerable within it - the families. Clarissa has done plenty of work to enrich the system that took her children from her, citing the need to spread love rather than bitterness. She helps guide people through processes that she went through alone, and with Camden Conversations and Camden Conversations 2 on the horizon, she is entrenching her mission into the system itself.