JSWEC 2023
Last Friday, at the last workshop of JSWEC (Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference), Camden held a Friday Story Live. Becca and Seth, who were guiding the workshop to the sounds of Nina Simone, prompted everyone to sit in a circle and think about their 'sparkle moment of the conference, specifically regarding relationships and connection. After a short introduction to the concept of Friday Story, the room to build their own Friday Story together. The Promise Participation workers, Suzanne, Chizzy and their manager Frances spoke about their experiences with Friday story and their time at the conference. They said their sparkle moment was being named a 'Friends of Camden'. A circle member, Denise, shared that her most memorable moment at the conference was listening to one of the keynote speeches given by Professor Fiona Kumari Campbell gave, which was so 'genuine, heartfelt and real'. Denise later listened to her 'break all the rules' when speaking about assisted dying in a session, and it was a 'sparkle' moment because it shattered her expectations of what she thought she would hear at the conference. Another circle member Joanne followed, speaking about connection and 'reconnection'. She noted that for the last few years, JSWEC was held online due to the coronavirus pandemic, so this year had been a moment of reconnection with her peers. She particularly cherished laughing with them after several years apart. Another group member, Sue, related as she had reconnected with a colleague from eighteen years ago. They had kept in touch across different jobs until two years ago when Sue lost her address, only for then to be reunited at JSWEC. Shabnam said that running into social media contacts at the conference had been 'beautiful' and was excited to make new connections with academics she quoted in her PhD. The circle agreed that there had been a lot of 'fangirling'. Sara summed up this feeling of connection, 'It is as simple as eye contact, a nod and a smile... I see you, you see me, and we are here together'.